At State College Presbyterian this morning, Dean Lindsey was preaching from Luke 14:1-6, where Jesus, on his way to a fancy meal with "a leader of the Pharisees" on the sabbath, pauses to heal a man with "dropsy". This is the set-up to another confrontation about healing on the sabbath, of course, but I confess that I had never paused to think about what "dropsy" might be and what significance could be found in this particular ailment. Dean's message really grabbed my attention. (Afterwards, I went to the big commentary on Luke by Joel Green, where I found the same information developed further.)
The Economic Priority of the Seven Wealthiest Countries: More Wealth
by Alix Underwood
Almost half of humanity lives below $6.85 per day. This population does not
consume goods and services at a rate exceeding Earth’s capac...
19 hours ago