Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission is considering guidance clarifying
that discrimination against LGBTQ people in Pennsylvania would be treated—and investigated—as a
form of sex discrimination. This guidance, which follows precedents set in federal courts and by federal agencies, would be a huge step towards helping ensure
LGBTQ Pennsylvanians are able to live their lives free of discrimination.
There is a public comment period that ends in a couple of days (you can find information on the linked website). Here is the letter I sent. Please, if you live in Pennsylvania and support equal opportunity protection for LGBTQ people, send your own letter of support. I don't doubt that they will receive plenty of comments that lean in the other direction!
Will the Steady State Economy Be Funded?
by Kali Young
The U.S. nonprofit sector is a $1.4 trillion industry. If it were a
country, it would be one of the world’s largest economies. Wealthy
3 days ago